SOPA (the Stop Online Privacy Act) is a really bad thing that potentially threatens this wonderful thing we created called the internet. If you don’t already know about it I won’t rehash it all here, but you can check out this post from Electronic Frontier Foundation.
At Torbit, we saw what other companies like Reddit and Craigslist were already doing and wanted to help other people participate in protesting SOPA. What we came up with is stop-sopa.js, which is an open source widget to add an informative modal window to your site with information about SOPA and how to contact your local representatives to tell them you oppose this new bill. By default it will only be displayed on January 18th from 8am–8pm EST (1300–0100 UTC). It’s available as a WordPress plugin, Blogger widget, Typepad widget, and a simple javascript snippet. Check out the screenshot below to see what it looks like or click here to try it out.
Help protest this threat to the internet. Notify your representatives, spread the word, and protest on your site. Stop censorship by stopping SOPA!